The Almost Black Book of Auschwitz/Monowitz

Start date: June 21, 2019
End date: June 30, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Trzecie Oko

Opening Event: 17:00 on 26.06

Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau are the two most famous and most visited genocidal sites in the world, but they do not encompass the whole of the Auschwitz complex. Jason Francisco’s photo-text-installation work examines a part of the Auschwitz story all but erased from public memory, through a deliberate misuse of the historical practice of stereoscopy.

Trzecie Oko

Housed next to the site of a pre-war Yiddish theater, Galeria Trzecie Oko specializes in something something photography. In the past, Trzecie Oko has hosted FestivALT shows Greetings from Płaszów and Into Jewish Krakow. This year’s exhibition takes on the Difficulty in commemorating/memory