Medicinal Tours of KL Płaszów

Start date: June 24, 2019
End date: June 28, 2019
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Jerozolimska 3 33-332 Kraków

12:00 on 24.06, Jerozolimska 3
12:00 on 28.06, Jerozolimska 3

In Polish and in English

Two of FestivALT’s co-directors, Adam Schorin and Jason Francisco, lead tours of the site of the Nazi concentration camp Płaszów. Once an Austrian military encampment, the site has been used as a Jewish cemetery, a concentration camp, and, today, a public park. Learn about the history of Płaszów, engage in a debate about how it should be remembered, and see what of its past remains visible in the ground today.    


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